Monday, July 8, 2013

You transform or perish!

‘Transformation literally means going beyond your form’
Wayne Dyer

The other day I was walking to the gym with my wife. She saw a grisly caterpillar moving. The very sight was disgusting. But we all know that the same will become a beautiful butterfly one day and everyone will love the caterpillar in a new form!

We all pass through this transformation in life. But unlike a caterpillar, we have to work to become a butterfly. If we keep moving like a caterpillar, no one will like us over a period of time.

We need to ask if what we are today is relevant to the time we live in and if our present deliverable will continue to be useful to others.
Know the motto of Sony Corporation? - ‘We will make our product obsolete before our customers do so.’

In today’s world of exciting and infinite opportunities, an organisation cannot survive if it does not innovate and re-engineer its products. This principle equally applies to individuals also!

Ask yourself and answer frankly: ‘I am I way ahead of my competitors in my field? How far behind are my competitors?’

The quality of your life during the next ten years depends on how fast you transform in time before others do so to make you obsolete!

N C Sridharan


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