Friday, June 30, 2017

365 Exciting Ways to Live: Excitement # 85 Don’t Become a Victim of Telephone Tyranny

      Don’t Become a Victim of Telephone Tyranny
Utility is when you have one telephone, luxury is when you have two, opulence is when you have three – and paradise is when you have none.
Doug Larson

Are you addicted to your mobile phone and a slave of the ‘telephone tyranny’? Have you carefully studied your style of using this important communication device? Do you know how many hours you spend on phone every day?
Any technology should be used for productive purpose and if we are not conscious, we will become a slave to that technology. In fact, a misused technology will become counterproductive.
For the next ten days do the following exercise:
  • Practise a ‘telephone-free zone’ of two or three hours every day.
  • Let people know that you will not answer any official calls after a specific time.
  • Resolve to speak for not more than three to four minutes on any personal call.
  • When in doubt, don’t make the call.
  • Have a target to cut down your telephone bill by 20% from next month.
·         Jot down five ways to become more intelligent in using of your mobile phone.

Today introspect over the above questions and check if you are overusing your phone.
(From my book '365 Exciting Ways to Live')
NC Sridharan

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

365 Exciting Ways to Live: Excitement # 84 : Programme Your Reading Portfolio

     Programme Your Reading Portfolio
If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

You should have an effective reading programme. In a world where information is power, you should be well informed about the most important developments in your field of specialisation. Due to various other priorities, your reading portfolio may get the least priority if you don’t programme your reading.
Consider the following:
·         Set aside a specific place for reading. Have a small book shelf, note pads, pencil, etc. to help your reading effectiveness.
·         Practise fixed time reading as a discipline. May be one hour in the morning or one hour in the night.
·         Remove sources of distractions such as television, radio and mobile phone.
·          Use the timer or stop watch to track time frame.
·         Ensure that you are not disturbed by others.
·         Practise paraphrasing each chapter and it will enhance retention.
·         Focus reading topic-wise, like leadership on one month, time management on another, etc.

Time is an invisible resource. If you don’t have a schedule and budget, it will be dissipated on unimportant activities at the cost of critical issues.
(From my book '365 Exciting Ways to Live')
N C Sridharan

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

365 Exciting Ways to Live: Excitement # 83 : Fine Tune Your Observation Skill

 Fine Tune Your Observation Skill
A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.
William Blake

You should cultivate a keen observation skill. Our mind does not notice the same thing which our brain notices. There is a difference. We may be ‘looking’ but not ‘observing’. Looking is a mechanical brain-triggered process through our eyes. Observation is a mind process which takes place only when mind-wandering is arrested and the mind is made to focus on the thing on which the eyes are fixed.
Similar to writing or reading skills, you should develop observing skill also through systematic efforts. Next time when you are in a meeting, where someone is speaking, observe the following:
  • The facial expression and the non verbal cues.
  • The involvement and participation of others.
  • The choice of words and how the same is used.
  • The examples and metaphors that are used.
  • The tonality and voice inflection.
With keen observation, the quality of your understanding is greatly enhanced. When you have to decide something very important, if you fail to observe something very critical, the quality of your decision making will suffer. This will result in an irreparable damage.
Evaluate the quality of your observation.

NC Sridharan
(From my book '365 Exciting Ways to Live')

Thursday, June 22, 2017

365 Exciting Ways to Live: Excitement # 79: Take Responsibility!

     Take Responsibility
You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.
Jim Rohn

Take personal responsibility in order to grow. Even in situations, where you are a victim of circumstances, think how you could have avoided the damage. We find one hundred reasons, why we are not responsible for what happens to us. That will be rationalising how helpless we are. Successful people differ from others on one unique trait: they own responsibility for what happens to them.
You don’t grow by blaming or complaining about others for your position in life. You will feel bad. But that is not going to help you in any way. Next time when you suffer any setback, ask yourself the following questions:
  • In what way I am responsible for it?
  • How could I have prevented it?
  • What do I learn from this?
  • How am I going to prevent its recurrence?
  • What strategy do I have to reduce the damage that is done to me?

Remember that we can learn a lot from our everyday experience. Life is not what happens to us; what is more important is what we do with what happens to us!
(From my book '365 Exciting Ways to Live')
NC Sridharan

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

365 Exciting Ways to Live: Excitement # 78: Giving Feedback and Criticism

Giving Feedback and Criticism
He has a right to criticise, who has a heart to help.
Abraham Lincoln

Sometimes we have to give our feedback and criticism to others. It may be for their good or for our good. But the most important thing to remember is how to give the feedback, especially negative feed backs and criticisms. The purpose of a negative feedback or criticism should be to help the other person and not to punish or insult.
Evaluate the quality of your feedback with reference to the following factors:
  • The words you use – are they kind and appropriate?
  • The timing of your feedback – is it the right time? Choose a neutral occasion and not when the other person is emotionally charged.
  • The place. Praise in public, criticise in private.
  • Be genuine in your intention and let the other person know it.
  • Check if the purpose of your feedback is achieved and how the other person has taken it.
·         Let the other person know why and what you are trying to communicate.

A little amount of empathy and tact will go a long way to maintain a healthy rapport even after you have given the feedback and criticism.
(From my book '365 Exciting Ways to Live')
NC Sridharan

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

365 Excitement Ways to Live : Excitement # 82 : Birds of the Same Feather Flock Together

Birds of the Same Feather Flock Together
Our environment, the world in which we live and work, is a mirror of our attitudes and expectations.

When you want to heat up something, you put it in an oven. To freeze something, you place it in a deep freezer. The object takes the property of its surroundings. It is the law of nature. We are also influenced by the people, who surround us. To be a writer, move with writers; to be an artist, be in the company of artists; to be a musician, spend a lot of your time with musicians.
To become an expert, we should acquire the best knowledge. There are two gateways to knowledge: through what we hear and what we see. Unless you are in the company of right people, you will not have the opportunity to get exposed to relevant knowledge, appropriate for your profession.
Introspect and decide the field in which you want to make a mark. List all the people, who are achieving in that field and try to spend as much time as possible with them. Join a professional association, where such people meet and discuss and take active part in such bodies.

You alone should succeed, but you cannot succeed alone!
(From my book '365 Exciting Ways to Live')
N C Sridharan

Sunday, June 18, 2017

365 Exciting Ways to Live! Excitement #81 - Practice Austerity

Practice Austerity
Wealth consists not in having great possessions but in having few wants.

Austerity is an important quality to be developed. Money is a valuable resource which should not be squandered away. These days everything is becoming dearer. It is wiser to save one rupee than to earn five rupees!  We live in a “world of temptations” where the media is so powerful that anyone can make out a case that their product is essential for us. Every day a new mobile phone with tempting features hits the market with jazzy media advertisement tempting you to buy.

One of my relative who has been living in the United States for the past six years in a fairly decent senior position tells me that he has been managing comfortably with one car, one cycle and one mobile phone! He says that he doesn’t have more than six pairs of dress. What is even more interesting about his claim is the fact that in the United States, the temptation to spend is very high!
Over this weekend, critically audit your basic need and check if you need all those gadgets, which are in your pending buying list!

Spend less, save more and live happily! 

(From my book '365 Exciting Ways to Live')
NC Sridharan

Thursday, June 15, 2017

365 Exciting Ways to Live: Excitement# 77: Take care of your health!

       Take Care of Your Health
The greatest wealth is health.

Just now I met a person, who has not been attending to work for some time. I inquired about his health and he mentioned that he has some hormone deficiency. I asked him if he is exercising regularly. He came with the normal ‘universal excuse’: no time!
Isn’t it true that the more busy you are, the more fit you should be?   If you have no responsibility in life, perhaps you can take life very easy. But, if you are an important person and shouldering high responsibility, you should certainly take care of your health since your poor health will affect your work life.
List the efforts you are taking to take care of your health. For one full week log all your activities and calculate the percentage of your time you are spending for maintaining your health.

You don’t have to clean and service an idle vehicle. But you have to carefully maintain a heavily used precious vehicle. Remember that your physique is God’s precious gift to you and His job is over at the moment he has given it to you. He will not maintain it for you!
(From my book '365 Exciting Ways to Live')
NC Sridharan

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

365 Exciting Ways to Live: Excitement # 76: Over- dependent on others?

  Over-dependent on Other?
The inevitable consequence of poverty is dependence.
Samuel Johnson

We need the help of others to succeed in life. However, we should not become over dependent on people and paralysed if there is no help. We will require some special professional help from experts such as doctors, lawyers and coaches which we cannot avoid. We should become independent for doing simple things.
Consider the following:
·         Can you drive your car without your driver?
·         Can you make your own coffee if someone is not available to make it for you?
·         Can you clean your house or car yourself?
·         Washing and ironing your clothes?
·         Trimming and maintaining your garden yourself without anyone’s help?
·         Typing your project report without the help of your typist or secretary?
·         Can you make some basic food items without help? 
Over the next two weeks, identify at least ten areas for which you totally depend on someone. Every week choose two things and check if you could do it yourself. If you do this sincerely, two things will happen. One, you will learn to become self-dependent. Two, your self-confidence will go up! 

(From my book '365 Exciting Ways to Live')
NC Sridharan

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

365 Exciting Ways to Live: Excitement # 75: Learn from others!

     Learn from others
A man only learns in two ways, one by reading and the other by association with smarter people.
Will Rogers

Have you watched profile interviews on the television channels? People who have achieved great things in life are interviewed and asked what they did and how they achieved success. We have a lot to learn from them.
Here is a project for you. Identify fifty people, whom you admire and who are available for you to meet. Imagine you are working for a popular TV channel and prepare a questionnaire for the interview session! Fix an appointment and interview them. Sincerely do this project and you will learn so much from them. You can learn great things even from ordinary people around you. One need not be a national or international personality. Even a successful local restaurant owner will have something useful to tell you. Some basic success rules are common to all, whether a celebrity or an ordinary person.
In this process, you will be achieving two objectives. One, you will become an expert in asking relevant questions. Two, you will get answers for your questions, which are powerful life lessons, which you can apply in your life!

Sincerely do this project and notice your personality grow!
(From my book '365 Exciting Ways to Live')
N C Sridharan

Saturday, June 10, 2017

365 Exciting Ways to Live: Excitement # 74: Learn Something New!

       Learn Something New
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.
Henry Ford

Recall the days you first learnt cycling, typing, playing a guitar, a new language etc.! Wasn’t it exciting? It would have given you some anxiety or tension. But you would have liked it and it would have kept you busy. Over a period of time, life becomes very mechanical. If we don’t engage our mind regularly, we will become lazy. There should be something exciting for the mind and brain every day.
Our brain and mind are amazing gifts of God. The more we use, the more it will be fit for even more exciting work. Like a knife or scissor, our mind and brain will become blunt and useless, if not used regularly. What is used less becomes useless!
Consider the following options:
  • Start learning a new language, music, instrument or skill.
  • Every week or month, start doing something completely new which you’ve not done at all.
  • Meet new people and get to know them.
·         Develop a new habit, of course, a good habit.
Do this for six months and watch your excitement in life once again going up!
(From my book '365 Exciting Ways to Live')
NC Sridharan