Wednesday, March 29, 2017

365 Exciting Ways to Live : Excitement # 65 - Grow Muscles, Destroy Flesh!

       Grow Muscles, Destroy Flesh
We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

Growth and decay are parts of nature. We have to decide which we want to encourage. In a garden, if you don’t grow plants, weeds will grow since it is natural. If you want the plants to be green and healthy, you have to do weeding out.
We either grow muscles or flesh. When we grow muscles, we become stronger and sturdier. If we grow flesh, it will create health problems. Intelligent people will take efforts to grow muscles and reduce flesh. Similarly, we either develop healthy or unhealthy habits, traits, attitudes, character, friends etc. If these are healthy, they act as muscles. Once every month, examine if you are allowing these negative elements to grow. Periodically check out if you are proactive to grow positive attitudes, habits, friends, traits, etc. Unless you invest time and resources to develop these positive elements in you, you will land up in an unhealthy environment, which will hamper your growth. If you don’t nip them in the bud, you will need a massive cleaning operation, which will be time consuming and tiring.

Invest your time on this important portfolio.

(From my book '365 Exciting Ways to Live')
NC Sridharan

Saturday, March 11, 2017

365 Exciting Ways to Live - Excitement # 64 : Talk Less, Do More

   Talk Less, Do More
An inability to stay quiet is one of the most conspicuous failings of mankind.
Walter Bagehot

Reduce your talking by 50% and notice what happens to your concentration and productivity.
I read an interesting story. A leading company advertised for a ‘walk in interview’ for a salesman. A lot of candidates came and they were waiting in the hall, making a lot of noise chitchatting, talking loudly on their mobile phone, etc. The whole room was very noisy. But one candidate was very calm and kept observing, what was happening in the room. At that time he heard a mild announcement, which said that anyone who hears the announcement can come and collect the appointment order. Others did not hear it since they were busy talking. He went inside and collected the appointment order! All the other candidates accused him of bribing the company to get appointed. But the General Manager came out and explained that the announcement was meant to anyone, who heard the same and since he only heard it, he only got appointed!

Now tell me: isn’t silence gold?
(From my book '365 Exciting Ways to Live')
N C Sridharan
'Time is the most valuable coin in your life. You and you alone will determine how that coin will be spent. Be careful that you do not let other people spend it for you' 
-  Carl Sandburg
These 200 Ideas Will Transform You!
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Other Self Help Publications of NC Sridharan:

Monday, March 6, 2017

365 Exciting Ways to Live: Excitement # 63 Become a ‘Time-Rich’ Person!

Become a ‘Time-Rich’ Person
The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.
Stephen R. Covey

We will not value a resource which is freely available to us. It applies to the scarce resource called ‘time’! Time lost is lost forever. Successful people are more careful with time than with their money.
If you are conscious that money is scarce, you will become careful while spending. This consciousness will influence your attitude to money and your priorities. This consciousness makes you to handle two important portfolios with respect to money: budgeting and accounting. You will start accounting for every rupee you spend.
From today be conscious of how you spend your time. Calculate how many hours are available to you in a day, when you are awake and budget the various ‘expenditure’ of your time. Decide in advance how much time you want to watch TV, read newspaper, meet people etc. Decide if you can find a ‘twin purpose’ for your travel time, like travelling and listening to some audio books, of course taking care of your safety.

A cash-rich person knows that it is wiser to save than to earn. Similarly a ‘time-rich person’ will avoid unnecessary work and wisely invest the time elsewhere fruitfully.

(From my book '365 Exciting Ways to Live')
NC Sridharan

Sunday, March 5, 2017

365 Exciting Ways to Live - Excitement # 62 : Connect with People!

‘Connect’ with People.
To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.
Brandi Snyder

One enviable trait I notice among successful people is their ability to sincerely connect with people. They are people oriented. ‘Connecting’ with people is different from merely knowing and being friendly with people. When you meet such people, you will know that they care for you. When you speak to them, they ‘listen’ to you and not merely ‘hear’ you. They are emotionally involved and care for you. You will enjoy your comfort level when you seek their help. You will realise this by their promptness and the quality of their help. When you share your emotions with them, they vibrate your feelings.
They will remember you on important occasions. When they promise something, they don’t need any follow up. They are there, if you want a shoulder to weep.  They are there, when you want to share your exciting moments of your life with them. They are there, when you want them to understand your feelings.

Can you evaluate how well you connect with people whom you know? Can you improve this aspect of your personality?
(From my book '365 Exciting Ways to Live')

'Mindscaping' for career building 57

'Mindscaping'  for career building 57

'All of the top achievers I know are life-long learners....Looking for new skills, insights, and ideas. If they are not learning, they're not growing....not moving toward excellence'
Dennis Waitley

Couple of days ago a  middle level executive came to me for personal counselling. He was looking very dull and upset. He said he is disappointed that he has not been promoted for the past three years and his salary is also stagnant. He was blaming his boss and his organisation.

I asked him what is his qualification, skill set, experience etc. He explained the same. Then I asked him as to how long he has been having the same skill set and knowledge. He said that it has not changed over the past nearly five years!

We were sitting in my office in the first floor and there is a second floor to my office. I gave him an exercise: he should go to the second floor, but he should use the same steps he used to come to the first floor! He was confused, laughed and asked me how is possible to go to the second floor by climbing the same steps he used to come to the first floor!

I explained to him that the analogy is relevant to his problem. He cannot go to the next level with the same education, skill set and experience which got him to the present position!

Do you agree?

NC Sridharan