Thursday, July 25, 2013

Do you have ‘relevant’ friends?

Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk with me and be my friend.
Albert Camus

I read a quotation which reads ‘tell me who your friend is and I’ll tell who you are’. This quotation is very common in many languages.

The quality of our life is influenced by what we constantly see and hear hence the profile of our friends is a key factor which will shape our attitude and thinking process. 

Decide what you want to be in your life and heights you want to scale in your career. Be specific in defining your goal.
Then ask the following questions to yourself:
•    Do I have relevant friends circle matching my career ambition?
•    Do I have a legend or role model among my friends’ circle whom I can emulate?
•    Do I spend quality time with such friends who are relevant to my life?
•    How do I benefit maximum from my friends’ circle to further my career?
•    How can contribute to my friends’ ambitions and goals?

May be it is a good idea to ‘audit’ this parameter of ourselves once a year! Take one area of your life and double the quality of your friendship in that area and notice what happens to your life in one year!

You will be amazed!
N C Sridharan


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