Monday, July 1, 2013

Want to earn more? Become a legend!

Attempt the impossible in order to improve your work.
Bette Davis

How much are you earning? Do you want to increase the same?

Most of us are under the impression that others decide our salary and compensation. It is not true.

Do you know who really fixes your salary? It is your activity! You are paid for what you do and what it produces for others. When what you do produces more money for others, you get paid more.

Let us say that you earn by singing and you are paid a certain amount of money. If you want to earn more money, one way is to sing more. This is what the ‘crowd’ will do! But you will end up working hard. There will be a physical limitation.

The smart way to earn more is to make your singing so unique that you become a legend. In this strategy you will stand alone form the ‘crowd’! When you become a legend, you get paid more because those you engage your singing earn more!

At this stage, you can sing less and earn more.

So, how do you do this? Improve the quality of your activity by acquiring such rare knowledge and skill that the commercial value of your activity goes up.

Common sense formula, isn’t it?

N C Sridharan


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