Thursday, August 1, 2013

Are you using your full capacity?

There is a way to do it better- find it!
Thomas A Edison

Brain power is identical for all. But the ability to think and act innovatively makes each of us a different personality. In order to be at our best, we have to think creatively.

In any situation we should try to enhance our productivity per unit of time. This is possible only if we tap into our hidden potential.  This yearning to be at our best will put us in a hall of fame one day.
It does not require a large organization and a global task to apply our innovation and creativity. We can aim to be at our best even in our day to day life.
This morning I was cutting vegetables in my kitchen. I had to do it quickly. I tried stretching my ability to cut one at a time to two at a time and ultimately to three at a time. I realised that all these days, even though I could have turned out more in less time, actually I was turning out less in more time!

Over this weekend, take any activity that you do and think if you can cut the time and triple the output.

Creativity is finding better way to do anything! It’s all about attitude!

N C Sridharan

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