Thursday, August 8, 2013

Get into details!

A man’s accomplishments in life are the cumulative effect of his attention to detail’
John Foster Dulles

There is a presupposition in NLP which says ‘anything can be accomplished if broken into small enough chunks’. The ability to go into details is a prerequisite to ensure quality. While we should have an overall perspective of what we are doing, we should also develop a micro focus on what exactly we are doing at this very second.

An eye for details does not come to us naturally and we can develop this by doing certain exercises.
Do this exercise.
Take a very broad look at this page. Then take a paragraph and understand the content. Take any one sentence and understand. Then focus on the use of words to convey the content. Let not your mind wander here and there. 
Similarly fine tune your ears and listen to every sound and focus on any one sound and notice the same as tough nothing else exists in the world. 
Set aside some time everyday or every week for this type of exercise and over a period of time you will develop this critical skill. This is also a kind of meditation and mental gym. 

This is the quality of focus world class legends bring to their work! They become what they do! 

N C Sridharan

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