Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakes!
Carl Jung
Development is not a natural process. It is initiated and controlled by us. This applies to self development, organizational development, society development, or any development for that matter. If you want to develop your knowledge and skill, you have to take efforts.
But you have to do nothing to decay. It is a natural process! If you are not developing healthy muscles, you will end up with flesh. While muscles give you strength, flesh gives you health problems such as obesity, blood pressure etc. You have a choice of developing healthy muscles and if you don’t exercise this option, obesity is certain!
If you don’t charge a battery, discharge is certain. There is no such thing as one time charging of a battery! The same thing applies to knowledge and skill. If you are not acquiring knowledge and skill, you are losing them. If you are not developing a garden, you will end up in a forest.
-develop a good personality and character
-develop good habits and traits
-develop your talents
-develop your knowledge and skill
If you don’t develop what is required in order to survive and thrive, you are going to suffer.
So, development is a survival issue, and not a luxury!
N C Sridharan
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