Sunday, August 25, 2013

Do not avoid, challenge and conquer!

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
Helen Keller

We live in a society which is filled with good and bad things. There are good people as well as not so good people. We cannot choose to have only an all-good-ideal- environment.

I was speaking to a group of parents whose children were leaving the school to pursue college studies. They will be staying away from their parents first time in their life. The parents were advising their wards to ‘avoid’ bad company, to ‘avoid’ students with bad habits, to ‘avoid’ this and ‘avoid’ that!
Isn’t it true that by avoiding you don’t become mature? It is only by conquering oneself that great people are made.
Have you heard the story of Gautama Buddha? Siddhartha, born in a royal family, was shielded from seeing any human suffering, death, aging and sickness. But at 29, when Siddhartha saw these realities in life, he started questioning why these things happen to human beings and this transformed him in to Buddha! 

So, don’t avoid.
Be in the company of smokers, but don’t smoke.

Be in the company if drinkers, but don’t drink.
Be in the company of indisciplined people, but be disciplined.
Believe in yourself and in your wisdom to choose between good and bad.
N C Sridharan

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