Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own?
Bruce Lee
Last week I happened to visit an old farm house of my friend which he acquired some five years ago. I remembered the keen interest he showed when he acquired. Now I noticed that the property has become very old with bush with full of cobwebs.
We acquire many things in our life. We acquire knowledge, skill, experience, property etc. but, acquisition is just one part. What is even more important is constantly reviewing the relevancy of what we acquired.
We should have the ability not only to acquire, but also to discard and undo and redo something we have done. This is part of the self development portfolio.
Take a look at the following check list:
• What new skill you acquired in the past five years?
• What knowledge you acquired in the last five years?
• What experience you have acquired over the years?
• Are these relevant anymore?
• If you have to completely re-profile yourself, what should you discard?
Remaining current and relevant is very important. Any company which does not re-invent itself in every ten years will not exist.
The same applies to us also!
N C Sridharan
Bruce Lee
Last week I happened to visit an old farm house of my friend which he acquired some five years ago. I remembered the keen interest he showed when he acquired. Now I noticed that the property has become very old with bush with full of cobwebs.
We acquire many things in our life. We acquire knowledge, skill, experience, property etc. but, acquisition is just one part. What is even more important is constantly reviewing the relevancy of what we acquired.
We should have the ability not only to acquire, but also to discard and undo and redo something we have done. This is part of the self development portfolio.
Take a look at the following check list:
• What new skill you acquired in the past five years?
• What knowledge you acquired in the last five years?
• What experience you have acquired over the years?
• Are these relevant anymore?
• If you have to completely re-profile yourself, what should you discard?
Remaining current and relevant is very important. Any company which does not re-invent itself in every ten years will not exist.
The same applies to us also!
N C Sridharan