Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Want to be unique? Then do something unique!

You are the only you God made... God made you and broke the mold.
 Max Lucado

We want to be unique. At least, most of us want to be. We admire our role models and legends. At some point of time, when we think of them, we also want to achieve like them. But the critical issue is: are we willing to sweat it out? Are we willing to work like the way they worked?

If unique people achieved this distinction, it is not an overnight event. They did not get up one morning to realise that they have become great! Their daily routine is different. Their weekly calendar is different. Every month they toiled so hard that every year they were moving close their goals.

It is natural to aspire to be unique. At the same time it is also the law of nature that only unique activities will make you unique.

Have this checklist in front of you which you should ask on a daily, weekly and monthly basis:
•    Have I done something unique today?
•    Have done something unique this week?
•    Have I done something unique this month?

If you get a consistent ‘yes’ to these questions every day, every week and every month, you will also become unique over the years!

Pretty simple, isn’t it?
N C Sridharan

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