Saturday, June 22, 2013

Emotional value and commercial value of things!

The heart is a strange beast and not ruled by logic.
 Maria V. Snyder

The other day I was traveling to United States via Hong Kong. I had a South Indian couple in their sixties traveling with me. They were proceeding to New Jersey to see their newly born granddaughter. We had nearly five hours to catch the connecting flight to San Francisco.

The lady wanted to do some shopping in the airport shopping arcade. She was looking at various dress material, very conscious about the price tag, always calculating how much it will cost them in India and on this count they were not willing to pick up any. They were also very conscious about what their daughter and son in law will comment with regard to the price. I noticed that they were dragged between equal and opposite forces – on one side emotional need to buy something for their granddaughter, and on the other side the commercial value of the thing they wanted to buy.

I explained to them that their emotional value should outweigh their commercial value for the product!

Next minute they walked out of the shop with a nice frock for their granddaughter!

Things may have a price tag, but emotions do not have price tags! You cannot put a price for anything and everything!

N C Sridharan


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