Saturday, June 22, 2013

As you think, so you will live!

Our way of thinking creates good or bad outcomes.
Stephen Richards

Our beliefs about ourselves will decide how and what we feel and what we do! If you believe you are bold, you will undertake courageous tasks. If you feel you are a coward, so you will behave.

Time has a continuity and we had a past, have a present and will have a future. Our mind understands this and guides our brain. Suppose we owned a car and we have sold the same, our mind knows that we don’t own that car anymore and will not open the car door even if the car is parked in front of our house!

This principle can be used to overcome some of our negative habits such as such as laziness, procrastination etc. Pick up any five habits which you feel are limiting your progress and change the way you think about the same giving them a time context. For example:

•    I was lazy; I used to be lazy...
•    I used to procrastinate...
•    I used to be addicted to coffee...
•    I used to over eat...
•    I used to be a spendthrift...

Honestly try this inner dialogue for a month and see what happens to your negative habits!

N C Sridharan

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