Wednesday, December 31, 2014


1st January  2015

'CONNECT' - Tips on Powerful Public Speaking


"There are always three speeches for every one you actually gave. The one you practiced, the one you gave, and the one you wish you gave!" 
 Dale Carnegie

There could be several billions of living beings in the word and human beings are one among them. The one unique feature that distinguishes human beings from other living beings is the ability to speak. The  'ability to communicate', is different from the 'ability to speak' since animals and birds also 'communicate' but they cannot 'speak'! Communication is the ability to convey our ideas to others. The ability to speak is a small but important segment of effective communication and is a very critical skill.

Public speaking is the process of making our ideas public. It is about sharing our ideas with others, and most importantly, influencing others with whom we communicate. Many are afraid to speak in public. Somewhere I read an interesting statistics on the various types of fear which I give below:

Speaking to a group                 41%
Heights                                    32%
Insects and Bugs                      24%
Financial Problems                    23%
Deep water                                22%
Sickness                                   20%
Death                                        19%
Flying                                        18%

You will notice that people are more afraid of public speaking than even death!

Given the importance of public speaking, I will attempt to give some useful and interesting tips on public speaking in this new series of newsletters.

I do hope you find them useful and relevant.
N C Sridharan

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