Hi my friends!
The other day I met a mason who is much wanted in the building industry. He is paid more than any other mason. I saw his brick work and it was so neat. I asked him how he is able to do such an excellent work. He gave a simple reply: 'I don't understand what you ask sir....but let me tell you this much...I place a brick and look at it....unless I am fully satisfied that I done it to my entire satisfaction, I will not pick up the next brick....'
That's why he is an excellent mason!
I am sure you use the word 'excellent'. The dictionary meaning of the word is:extremely good; outstanding, very good, outstanding, magnificent, marvelous, superior etc. Almost all of us want to be excellent in doing what we do. We admire who are excellent.
But have you pondered over the question what happens in your mind before you do something excellent outside? Why some people are excellent by nature and some others have to strain to become excellent?
Its all in the mental programme!
See this episode in which I have discussed this simple frame of mind called excellence!
NC Sridharan