Monday, September 11, 2017

365 Exciting Ways to Live: Excitement # 95.Change What You Can Change!

Change What You Can Change
They always say time changes things, but you actually have to
change them yourself.

Change is permanent and we cannot stop it.   We need to adapt ourselves to the changes. It is not easy to change. We should be intelligent enough to know what to change and what not to change.
Read the following five different types of change:
1.       Things which you think you cannot change and you cannot change;
2.      Things which you think you cannot change, but you can change;
3.      Things which you think can change but you cannot;
4.      Things which you think you can change, but you don’t;
5.      Things which you think you can change and you change.
Your opportunity lies in areas which you can change, but you don’t want to change. Great people have succeeded in this area only. Identify and work on at least five things under your control to change but you are not taking efforts. For example: I can reduce my excess weight, but, I don’t want to exercise; I can learn a new language, but I don’t want to cut down my TV watching and study every day thirty minutes.

Do this exercise for a month consistently and notice what happens to the quality of your life!
(From my book '365 Exciting Ways to Live')
NC Sridharan

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