Mind Your Facial Expression
God has given you one face, and you make yourself another.
– William Shakespeare
Face is the index of your mind.
How do you present yourself to others? How is your facial expression? What
feelings does it reflect? Only the human beings have the rare gift of conveying
something through their mere facial expression!
I have come across people who
convey happiness, excitement, enthusiasm, energy etc. in their face. These
people electrify others by their very presence. I have also come across people
who carry a depressed, sad, unhappy, irritated and timid face. They destroy the
enthusiasm of others around them. The third category is expressionless faces! When you speak to them, you will not know if
they are listening to you at all!
Have you ever thought where you
belong to in the above three types? We
are not alone in this world. We are
surrounded by people. How we present
ourselves to others will decide the quality of our interpersonal
relationship. Your facial expression
conveys something very important about your internal personality. In fact your
facial expression conveys how you feel inside.
From today, resolve to carry a
pleasant and enthusiastic facial expression. Initially you may find it
difficult. Anything is possible if you understand why you need it.
(From my book '365 Exciting Ways to Live')
N C Sridharan
Thanks for the share, nice article