Wednesday, February 3, 2016

'Mindscaping' for career building 22

'The two enemies of human happiness are pain and boredom'
Arthur Schopenhauer

How long have you been in your present job? Are you doing the same job over and over again? What do you do on a typical working day? What is the content of your job? How long has it remained static? Are you feeling bored?

When I ask this question in my seminars, some feel very happy and some others feel depressed!

I know a bus conductor for the past nearly thirty years. He has been in the same route, same duty from the time I was very young. I happened to travel in his bus a few days ago. I was stunned how he has not changed at all - the same smile, the same warmth and the same hospitality. I have come across people who say that they are bored of repetition. But I did not see this in my friend.

I asked him how is able to remain like this for ever. His reply was very simple: I do not consider my job as a means to earn a living, I consider this as a service! I love my job!'

I was wondering what happened to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs! Perhaps he has not read that, and ignorance is bliss!

After all, it is all in the mind!

N C Sridharan

1 comment:

  1. work is workship. No doubt. There is no substitute for your good Hard work.
