Thursday, June 4, 2015

'CONNECT' 54 - Tips on Public Speaking - After the Speech

The philosophy of the wisest man that ever existed, is mainly derived from the act of introspection.

After the speech....
For a singer every concert is an experience. For a lawyer every case and for a surgeon every operation is an experience. It is so for a speaker also! There are occasions where I will be extremely happy after giving a speech. There are also occasions when I felt that I could have done better. I introspect my own performance after every speech.

The following checklist could be useful:
·         What was the theme of my speech? Did I do justice for the theme?
·         Did I manage my time effectively? Did I take more time or less time?
·         Did I effectively reach out to the audience?
·         Were the stories and jokes I gave relevant? Could I have used some other?
·         To what extent I met the expectations of the audience? Could I have done better?
·         Did I match the wavelength of the audience? Was it too high or too low?
·         If there were other speakers along with me, how did I fare compared to them?
It will be a good idea to write down three areas of improvement after every speech. A friend of mine has a journal in which he has his audit findings for the past 20 years!
NC Sridharan


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