Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Tips on Public Speaking: 'CONNECT' 21: Breath Right!

'The human voice is the most beautiful instrument of all, but it is the most
difficult to play'.

Do you know that the quality of your breathing will decide the quality of your communication? You have seen how an wind instrument artist uses the instrument such as a flute. He will inhale, take a deep breath and blow the air through the flute and produce a melodious music.

The same principle applies to voice production.

Our voice is also like producing a music. If we do not breath properly, we cannot deliver a good speech. In fact, breathing right is very important not only for speaking, but also for general health.

Many of us are under the mistaken impression that we speak through our throat. But the reality is the voice originates from the diaphragm. Place your hand firmly on that V-shaped breath bone just below the rib and you can feel the diaphragm working gently. When you inhale, your lungs get filled up with air pushing the diaphragm down and out. When you exhale up goes the diaphragm allowing the wind to go through the vocal chord.

A proper understanding of this mechanism is very important to enrich the quality of your voice production. 

In the next few newsletters we will see how to use our breath for effective public speaking.
N C Sridharan


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