'Peace begins with a smile'
We speak not
only through words, but also non verbally. The first and foremost non verbal
communication takes place through our face. Face is the index of the mind.
Since public speaking is also connecting with the mind of the audience, your
facial expression is very important to decide the quality of your delivery.
Haven't you heard people say 'his facial
expression revealed the real story!' or 'I
could read from his face that he is pulling a fast one....' etc?
The first and
the easiest (for some people it is the most difficult thing!) is to smile!
People will like you if you smile; it will put people at ease; it will convey
warmth; it will bridge relationship and rapport. I read somewhere that a smile
is a 'non physical hug'!
You should
also carry an expression on your face that matches the feeling you want to
convey. Here's an exercise. Stand in front of a mirror and make your face to
convey these emotions: happy; sad; embarrassed; surprised; nervous; tired;
sleepy; angry. You can show these expressions on your face and ask your friends
to find out what emotions you are carrying in your mind!
isn't it? Yes, effective communication is interesting - both for you and to
N C Sridharan