Sunday, December 10, 2017

365 Exciting Ways to Live: Excitement # 251: Shed Emotional Blindness!

‘The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart’ – Helen Keller

We all know what blindness means. We cannot see what is in front of us. Have you thought about what it means to be 'emotionally blind'? You will not be able to 'see' and notice the emotions and feelings of people! 

365 Exciting Ways to Live: Excitement # 109. You decide if you are fast enough!

 You decide if you are fast enough!

Time is more valuable than money, you can get more money,
but you cannot get more time
- Jim Rohn

We have our own internal standards to judge our performance and until we decide, we will not speed up.
I recall an old story which I read somewhere. There was a tortoise at the backyard of an old dilapidated house. It took three weeks to move from the garden to reach the rear room. It continued to move and in two more weeks reached the kitchen. From there it took another ten days to reach the hall. From there it reached the frontage of the house in two weeks time. It continued to move and in another ten days, it stepped out of the house and reached the portico. At that time, the old house collapsed. The shocked tortoise said `thank God, I moved out of the house quickly! What would have happened if I had not acted this fast!
The future belongs to those, who are conscious and sensitive to time and deadline. If you have been working in organisations, you would have noticed that the time to manufacture a product is drastically slashed down; the response time to redress customer grievance has come down; the travel time is coming down.

Over this weekend you may like to explore yourself and ask the question: `Am I fast enough? How is my speed compared to my competitors? Can I be faster without sacrificing the quality of my work life?'
(From my book '365 Exciting Ways to Live')
NC Sridharan