Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Do you respect others’ sentiments?

Men are respectable only as they respect.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
We live in a society of mutual expectations. We expect something from others in as much as others also have expectations from us. There is one thing which we all expect from others and that is respecting our sentiments.
The other day I was in a house where the head of the family is past 90 years. He retired long ago from a private job and has no savings or pension. He is totally dependent on his three sons and they live in a joint family. He likes patronizing cows as part of his religious sentiments. He has two cows which are very old and they don't yield anymore milk and it is really very costly to maintain them.
Still the sons and the daughters in law do not say anything about this costly sentiments of the old man. Not that they are rich and in fact they belong to the middle class and with their very ordinary income they maintain the family.
They value their father's sentiments more than their hard earned money!
Over this weekend check if you also share this valuable trait!
N C Sridharan