Tuesday, February 17, 2015

'CONNECT' 24: Tips on Public Speaking: Communicating beyond words.....

"Talkers have always ruled. They will continue to rule. The smart thing is to join them."
Bruce Barton

Many of us believe that communication is do with words and our command over the language. It may be true with regard to written communication. But, when it comes to spoken communication, the way we deliver our message is very important. That is why you will find that even great writers will not be good speakers.

In writing you communicate through your words; in speaking you communicate through your voice. That is why breathing right becomes very important in public speaking.

The normal breathing is through the nostrils and the breath is filtered and warmed, sometimes breathing also takes place through slightly opened mouth.

Take a deep breath through slightly opened mouth. After your diaphragm is full take some more. You will notice that there is some more space to fill. Similarly, empty your lungs by breathing out. When you feel you have fully emptied your lungs, breath out still. You will feel that there was some more breath. This means that you have the ability to speak long sentences without taking long breath which will result in a smooth vocal tone without jerkiness.

The quality of breathing will decide some of the parameters such as inflection and emphasis which we will see in the next few newsletters.

NC Sridharan


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