Thursday, February 5, 2015

365 Exciting ways to live - 90

90 / 365 Respect and Remember Names

If you want to win friends, make it a point to remember them. If you remember my name, you pay me a subtle compliment;
 You indicate that I have made an impression on you.
Remember my name and you add to my feeling of importance.


 Dale Carnegie


Do you give importance to remember peoples’ name? It is a basic courtesy you can show to any person who is introduced to you. A name is a very emotional thing for a person. The happiest time for a parent is the day when they give a name for their child. From our childhood days we have been repeatedly called by our names. When we achieve something, we are given a certificate carrying our name and we proudly show it to many people.
Don’t we feel happy when someone addresses us by our correct name? Remember the following basic etiquette:
·         Take interest to remember a person’s name.
·         If there a special way in which the person wants his name to be spelt based on    
      numerology or other sentiments, respect the same.
·         When you address a letter, use the correct spelling with the correct first name, initial etc.
·         After meeting a person on several occasions, don’t embarrass him by asking his name once again or calling him by a wrong name. You are insulting him.
There so much in a name!
(From my book “365 Exciting Ways to Live”)
'365 Exciting Ways to Live' is an ideal gift for any special occasion and a good reading material for supervisory development. You can also gift this book to the school or college you studied....
 N.C. Sridharan

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