Tuesday, February 17, 2015

'CONNECT' 23: Tips on Public Speaking. Delivering a long sentence in one breath!

Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.
When we were born we were breathing right. But as we grew up, we forgot our natural breathing and lost our natural breathing. We have to unlearn and relearn how to breath. This is all the more relevant to deliver a professional speech.
It is possible through some exercises.

Take a deep breath and see how far you can read through this grouping of words. Make sure you are making each of the words come alive as you say them.
Don’t just race through them understand and  interpret!

Collecting and projecting,             and rattling and battling
     receding and speeding                 and shaking and quaking
   and shocking and rocking             and pouring and roaring
  and  darting and parting                and waving and raving
and treading and spreading          and flowing and going
       and whizzing and hissing              and heaving and cleaving
     and dripping and skipping             and foaming and roaming
      and hitting and splitting                 and moaning and groaning
  and shining and twining                and dropping and hopping

The quality of our communication and our voice will project our personality. The purpose of communication is to bring about a change in the mind of the person with whom we communicate.
These finer details will go a long way to improve the quality of our communication.
NC Sridharan


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